The results are in! Just wanted to show you before and after pictures. I have to say that’s pretty impressive!! You can see she [my Mom] has gone from inflamed red skin with open sores to little to no inflammation and the eczema dryness is disappearing. She also enjoys using it since it absorbs into her skin and smells pleasant - she doesn’t like the prescription ointments which feel greasy, smell medicinal and make the skin thinner over time.

I truly hope more people are interested in using your Healing Herb Salve on Eczema…my Mom’s skin is EXTREMELY dry, so I’m guessing it will work even more quickly on a younger person!


Before using Healing Herb Salve

After using the Healing Herb Salve for three weeks

Robin exemplifies strong and focused leadership with a strong sense for inspiring and motivating people. For example, I have watched her guide teams to success through her high integrity, commitment, and sincere caring of people. Her core is to bring truth to everything that she is involved in because through truth the tone is set for a high performing team.

I have a saying that has guided me through the years, “It’s not how you start that matters, but how you finish that counts!” That’s Robin - she finds a way to help teams finish strong despite how they started.

- Anthony, Port of Los Angeles Commissioner and retired Director of Operations

Robin's blends have become a part of my daily routine both in the morning and at night! I use the Lavender salve before bed, but also keep some of my desk when I need to slow down during the work day. I apply the Beauty Rest oil blend behind my ears and on the bottoms of my feet which helps quiet my thoughts before rest. And the Ancient Love Potion has become my perfume replacement! So dreamy!

Robin's blends are not only quality products, but she puts so much thought and love behind creating them, you can really feel it when using.

– Aubrey

“LOVE, love, love RBBotanicals. And the personal touch and attention makes all the difference. RBB is my gift to myself, and these days self-care is really important. Thanks Robin! More serum please, and love my salves and lotions too.”

– Sandee

“I've used several of the RBB products and love them all. The Beauty Rest, helps me sleep when my mind won’t settle down. The Lavender Salve becomes a part of my nightly routine during the winter. It helps bring much needed moisture to my skin, and the lavender relaxes and prepares my mind for sleep. I also use the Calm, Calm II essential Oil special blend when life stress kicks up a few notches. It helps me re-center and re-focus.

I love that they are made with good quality products and healing intention.”

– Ada

“I have been using Robin Brennan Botanicals oils, salves, perfumes & lotions for a number of years. I find I can't do without them. Robin has created essential blends that support grounding & healing for everyday use in this chaotic world. Creating sanctuary within feeds healing without. Don't forget the wonderful perfumes. My favorites are "Girl Power" & "Ancient Love Potion." I can attest to the efficacy of RBB healing salves. On a number of occasions I used Robin's creations to heal abrasions, burns & inflammation. They are amazing! Robin creates her products with love & deep spiritual insight.”

– Catherine